
Ruto orders immediate release of innocent anti-govt protesters

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Notably, opposition leader Raila Odinga had urged Ruto to compensate families of victims, release abductees, and restore order before engaging in dialogue.

President William Ruto has ordered the immediate release of innocent individuals who may have been wrongfully detained or implicated in crimes during the anti-government protests.

He also urged the authorities to withdraw all the charges imposed on the set-to-be-released detainees. 

“I urge the Criminal Justice Agencies to take effective measures and ensure people who may have been innocently caught on the wrong side of things be released and charges dropped,” he said while addressing the nation on Tuesday at the State House, Nairobi. 

Ruto noted that their release will enable the security agencies to focus their energies, time, and resources on investigating and prosecuting serious criminals who took advantage of protests to advance lawlessness, anarchy, and mayhem.

He, however, ordered those arrested for serious crimes to be brought to justice and prosecuted in accordance with the law.

The head of state also announced that the government will provide support to all families who were affected as a result of the protests.

“It is with deep regret that I have to say that many Kenyans lost their lives and others have been seriously injured as a result of disturbances occasioned by lawless activity during the protests. This is not how and where our democracy should proceed, and we must do all we can to ensure that this does not occur again in the future. The government will provide support to the families of those citizens who lost their loved ones,” he said.

The government, he added, will take measures to support the livelihoods and properties of Kenyans that were destroyed during the demonstrations.

Relevant ministries were directed to obtain, verify, and provide accurate data to facilitate appropriate government action within 30 days.

Protestors react after police officers use teargas to disperse them during a demonstration against Kenya's proposed finance bill 2024/2025 in Nairobi, Kenya, June 25, 2024. REUTERS

“Over the last month, the livelihoods and property of many innocent people have also been destroyed, plunging them into destitution and jeopardising the welfare of their dependents. The government will take measures to support these Kenyans on their path to recovery. I direct relevant ministries to obtain, verify, and provide accurate data to facilitate appropriate government action within 30 days,” he said.

Ruto also called for the prosecution of police officers who might have violated or breached the law while handling anti-government protesters.

“I call on the National Police Service to use its mandate responsibly, professionally, effectively, and in full compliance with the Constitution with a view to promoting the national objectives of Articles 238, 239, and 244. All breaches and violations by police officers must be handled expeditiously through due process, with a view to giving Kenyans a police service that upholds the highest standards of integrity,” he said.

He emphasised that Kenyans have a duty to balance their rights and responsibilities at all times so that the legitimate exercise of rights and freedoms does not undermine their broader aspirations. This, he said, will enable the country to remain civilised, democratic, and peaceful, governed under rules and institutions for the benefit of all.

Notably, opposition leader Raila Odinga had urged Ruto to compensate families of victims, release abductees, and restore order before engaging in dialogue.

Ruto today named four opposition politicians to his cabinet. These are former governors Wycliffe Oparanya (Kakamega), Ali Hassan Joho (Mombasa), ODM chairman and nominated MP, John Mbadi, and Ugunja MP, Opiyo Wandayo, who also served as National Assembly minority leader.

The trio, upon vetting and approval by the Parliament, will serve in the ministries of Cooperatives, Mining, Treasury and Energy, respectively.

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