
Raila's Azimio coalition to discipline MPs who voted for Finance Bill 2024

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Currently, the law provides that voters can initiate the process of recalling their MPs for poor performance after two years in office.

Opposition outfit Azimio La Umoja has condemned their members who voted for the Finance Bill 2024 and referred to them as outright traitors who deserve punishment.

On Friday, Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition leaders led by Kalonzo Musyoka read the riot act to opposition MPs who okayed the Bill, announcing that parties in the coalition will begin a process to recall the "errant" members.

Currently, the law provides that voters can initiate the process of recalling their MPs for poor performance after two years in office.

"Some 204 MPs voted for the Bill while 115 voted against the tax measures introduced by the government. We are going to start a process of recalling the three Wiper MPs who voted "Yes" for the finance bill," vowed Kalonzo.

According to the coalition leaders, the 204 lawmakers who voted for the Bill stood against the nation and its aspirations.

The opposition claimed that the pro-tax MPs were their generation's personification of the home guards who helped the foreign colonials between 1895 and 1963.

Azimio La Umoja Coalition leaders led by Kalonzo Musyoka and Eugene Wamalwa address the media at the Wiper Centre in Nairobi on Friday, June 21, 2024, over the fatal shooting of Rex Kanyike Masai, an anti-Finance Bill 2024, protester. (Photo: Wiper Party Press)Azimio La Umoja Coalition leaders led by Kalonzo Musyoka and Eugene Wamalwa address the media at the Wiper Centre in Nairobi on Friday, June 21, 2024. (Photo: Wiper Party Press)

''Just like those sullied home guards, the 204 have turned a blind eye and deaf ear to the socio-political and economic injustices perpetrated on Kenyans,'' Azimio leaders said.

The coalition also urged the young generation known as Gen Z, who protested on Tuesday and Thursday, to invoke the provisions of the constitution and recall the MPs who backed taxes.

''As a coalition, we urge all Kenyans whose Members of Parliament voted for the Finance Bill to begin the process of their Recall. They are dishonourable members,'' Azimio leaders urged.

''We further ask Gen Zs to develop innovative and creative ways of expediently and accurately effecting this.''

In their view, the leaders who voted in favour of the Finance Bill 2024  do not deserve to be elected again in the 2027 elections.

''We are also reminding them that very soon, the people of Kenya will be choosing the ballot. The 204 members and the 30 absentee cowards should prepare to go home because they will never be the electorate's choice.''

In their claims, the opposition outfit argued that the government is hell-bent on seeing the controversial Bill passed because it has budgeted for corruption to the tune of Sh1 trillion.

''In under two years, Kenya's coffers have been drained by shameless corruption. The Finance Bill, 2024 has budgeted corruption of Sh1 trillion,'' said Kalonzo.

Police barricade Parliament buildings amid the anti-Finance Bill demos in Nairobi on June 20, 2024. (Photo: Justine Ondieki, EV)

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