Northern Kenya

450 cataract patients receive free eye surgery in Garissa

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Kenya was the first beneficiary of the free cataract surgery before the Al-Basar International Foundation proceeds to Tanzania and Zambia to offer free eye surgery and treatment.

At least 450 patients suffering from cataracts, a prevalent eye disease received free surgeries at the Garissa Referral Hospital.

The two-day free eye treatment and surgery medical camp was sponsored by Saudi Arabi's King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center through the Al-Basar International Foundation.

Fatuma Ahmed Abdi, 45, who was among the beneficiaries, said she was diagnosed with cataract disease six months ago.

"I had a blurry vision and increased sensitivity to glare. After visiting the Garissa Referral Hospital for a check-up, it was confirmed that I was suffering from cataracts that required urgent surgery. I had no money to seek the surgery until I heard of this free medical camp," she said.

She appreciated the free surgery that helped her restore her eyesight.

Dr Kabir Bello Abubakar, an eye specialist and consultant with Al-Basar International Foundation said the disease was highly prevalent in the region.

He stated that all the beneficiaries received free surgery and medication that will help to restore their eyesight.

"Majority of the beneficiaries are elderly people but we also attended to children who were affected by the disease," he revealed.

Garissa Governor Nathif Jama interacts with doctors at the Garissa Referral Hospital's eye theatre. (Photo: Issa Hussein)

He said Kenya was the first beneficiary of the free cataract surgery before they proceeded to Tanzania and Zambia to offer free eye surgery and treatment.

He revealed that most cases of cataracts are related to ageing, lifestyle, allergy, and trauma among others.

Garissa Governor Nathif Jama who officially launched the medical camp said the disease was common in the county.

"Owing to the high prevalence, we are in the process of equipping a newly completed modern eye care centre at the Garissa Referral Hospital," he said.

The governor, who appreciated the sponsors for the medical camp, stated that the proposed Garissa modern eye centre would help to address the increasing rate of cataract disease.

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