Northern Kenya

MPs advocate for victim fund, police empowerment to tackle insecurity in North Rift

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This is one of the largest gatherings of MPs from the North Rift to come together to talk about the critical security situation in their region.

The National Assembly Committee on National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity has proposed the establishment of a victim fund and empowerment of police reservists to address insecurity in the North Rift.

Led by Adan Haji Yussuf, the chairperson of the National Cohesion and Equal Opportunity Committee and MP for Mandera West, the committee formulated measures to resolve inter-ethnic conflicts, cattle rustling, and banditry in the troubled region.

The meeting, attended by MPs from affected areas, highlighted the need for a dedicated ministry, similar to Uganda's Ministry of Karamoja Affairs.

A parliamentary statement outlined proposals to regulate firearms by issuing G3 rifles to government security officers and National Police Reservists to differentiate them from civilians possessing illegal firearms.

Additionally, the MPs also want legislation that will safeguard the National Police Reservists, remodel the unit, define their role, and enhance their combat skills.

Recognising education as pivotal in addressing insecurity, MPs urged the government to enforce free and compulsory education to alleviate poverty.

“Education was key to ending insecurity, and MPs resolved that the government should enforce free and compulsory education," reads the statement.

The peace meeting in Turkana that ended on Saturday. ( X)

Addressing conflicts related to uncontrolled grazing, the committee stressed the importance of clearly defining the borders of constituencies and counties.

Despite efforts like Operation Maliza Uhalifu launched in 2023, insecurity persists in the region. Challenges remain despite government initiatives to recruit police reservists, establish more security camps, and equip personnel to combat banditry and cattle rustling.

The meeting, attended by 21 MPs from the affected region, including Tiaty MP William Kamket, Turkana Women Rep Cecilia Asinyen, and West Pokot Women Rep Rael Aleutum, aimed to address the critical security situation in the North Rift.

Other MPs who attended the meeting included; Kapenguria MP Samuel Moroto, Samburu Woman Rep Pauline Lenguris, Samburu West MP Naisula Lesuuda, Turkana West MP Epuyo Nanok, Pokot South MP David Pkosing, Sigor Mp Peter Lochakapong, among others.

This is one of the largest gatherings of MPs from the North Rift to come together to talk about the critical security situation in their region.

In a separate peace meeting led by Loima MP Protus Ewesit Akuja and Turkana South MP John Ariko Namoit, attended by kraal leaders, security officials, members of the County Assembly, civil society, professionals, and faith-based organizations, efforts were made to end ongoing hostilities in Turkana County.



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