
DP Gachagua faces backlash over demand for Noordin Haji's resignation

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The DP on Wednesday called for the resignation of the NIS boos whom he blamed for not effectively briefing President Ruto on the magnitude of the protests.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has faced sharp criticism from several political leaders following his demand for the resignation of National Intelligence Service (NIS) Director General Noordin Haji.

While addressing the nation on Wednesday at Mombasa, Gachagua blamed the NIS for failing to inform President William Ruto about the escalating anti-government protests, which have led to deaths and property destruction.

He said Noordin should step down from his position to pave the way for a more competent Director General.

This demand comes despite Ruto's decision to reject the controversial Finance Bill 2024, which has sparked nationwide demonstrations set to continue on Thursday.

“Ruto deserves better, he deserves a DG who knows what he is doing, who is effective and can analyse situations to keep the government informed. It is embarrassing for me as DP that it has taken protests, deaths, mayhem and destruction for the president to know the truth yet there is an organization charged with that role," Gachagua said.

Mandera Senator Ali Roba said the recent tragic events during demonstrations against the Finance Bill, 2024 highlight a disturbing trend of deflecting responsibility at the highest levels of our government.

"Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s persistent narrative, blaming Noordin Haji, the Director General of the National Intelligence Service (NIS), is unfounded and morally reprehensible. Blaming Noordin Haji is a convenient excuse that diverts attention from the government’s own general responsibility accountability to take the political decision," he said.

"Leadership demands integrity, honesty, and a commitment to citizens’ well-being, which the DP's actions fail to reflect the fact that Noordin doesn’t hold a political office that announces decisions through political means he knows the right channels that intelligence information follow to the presidency."

The senator said such scapegoating is not only evil but also shifts focus from real issues and fosters regional division.

"We must demand better from our leaders. The NIS’s role is critical to national security, and its leadership should be respected regardless of regional origins. It is imperative that the Deputy President stops using tragic events as a political tool and instead addresses the root causes of public discontent," he added.

"It is imperative for leaders to rise above regional biases, respect the critical role of NIS leadership, and address the root causes of public discontent to ensure trust in our national institutions."

"Reckless statement"

Former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho termed Gachagua's statement as reckless, noting that it seems to carry tribal undertones, which are not helpful in the current situation.

He noted that the DP should lead by example by being the first person to take responsibility and resign instead of asking for other people's resignations.

"Having listened keenly to the address by the Deputy President this evening, I find it disturbing that a leader of his stature would issue such reckless statements at a time when the government needs to be seen to be pulling in one direction," he said.

President William Ruto congratulates Noordin Haji during his swearing in as NIS Director-General at State House, Nairobi on on June 14, 2023. (Photo: PCS)

"As a country, we find ourselves in a not-too-familiar territory and therefore it’s incumbent upon the leadership of the country to try and restore confidence in its citizens rather than apportioning blame for failures that should be collectively owned by them. To make it worse the sentiments by Rigathi Gachagua smacks of tribal undertones and that’s the least this country needs at this time."

Law Professor and founding member of Kenya Human Rights Commission Makau Mutua echoed Joho's concerns and suggested that Gachagua's statement could be grounds for impeachment.

"It’s the most shocking statement I’ve seen from any official in high office in Kenya. It’s probably grounds for an impeachment," he said.

Ulterior motives

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi suggested ulterior motives behind Gachagua's demand.

"The only man who would convince Ruto to reject the Finance Bill was Noordin Haji because he had intelligence. Now Gachagua calls him incompetent because he saw his civilian coup and stopped it. Gen Z are not the treason, the treason is Riggy G. His statement was disgraceful," he said.

While defending Haji, Ijara constituency Member of Parliament Abdi Ali Abdi condemned the Deputy President's remarks noting that the Director General has always been dedicated to the task of ensuring the nation is served well.

He emphasised that the claims by the DP are clearly misguided and look like a diversion from the key matters.

"It is not only unfounded but also unproductive to blame him for protests on Tuesday and I undeniably condemn Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua’s remarks. Throughout his tenure as DPP, Haji focused on Kenya’s security, something that was characterized by exceptional leadership in prosecuting high-profile cases and delivery of justice. His move into NIS continues to strengthen our national security efforts," Abdi said.

"Instead of reconciling the country and addressing the root causes of the demonstrations, Gachagua is blaming an exemplary civil servant."

He insisted that the DP should instead focus on real leadership and fostering national unity rather than dividing the Citizens and casting doubts on institutions’ credibility.

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