
Hundreds Flock to Jamia Mosque to learn more about Islam

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Hundreds of non-Muslims participated in Jamia Mosque's Open Day, an important Islamic learning centre in Nairobi, with the aim of gaining insights into Muslims and dispelling misconceptions about Islam.

Hundreds of non-Muslims participated in Jamia Mosque's Open Day, an important Islamic learning centre in Nairobi, with the aim of gaining insights into Muslims and dispelling misconceptions about Islam.

Leading Islamic scholars, including Sheikh Ibrahim Lithome, Sheikh Juma Amir, Sheikh Jamaludin Osman, and Ratib Abdirahman, delivered lectures on Islam and addressed various queries from the attendees.

Sheikh Mohammad Abdalla, the Director of Da’wah at Jamia Mosque, emphasized that the event serves to demystify myths and counter false propaganda targeting Islam and its followers. He highlighted that the Open Day aims to foster harmony, cohesion, and coexistence among people of all faiths.

Some of the participants who were present at Jamia Mosque

Originally an annual event, the Open Day is now held twice yearly due to the increasing demand from those eager to understand Islam, according to Sheikh Mohammad.

According to the Deputy Imam of Jamia mosque, Sheikh Jamuldin Osman, six individuals willingly embraced Islam after gaining deeper insights into its teachings. When one of the new converts asked about the perceived violence associated with Muslims, “Islam does not support terror activist which is a criminal activity, we belong to a religion of peace “, replied the Imam.

A preacher takes questions from members of the public at Jamia mosque hall.

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