
Mombasa's Muslim community protests Israel's assault on Palestinians

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The Muslim community in Mombasa, Kenya, took to the streets in a powerful display of solidarity with Palestinians, calling for global condemnation of what they deemed a relentless onslaught and ethnic cleansing in Gaza.

The Muslim community in Mombasa, Kenya, took to the streets in a powerful display of solidarity with Palestinians, calling for global condemnation of what they deemed a relentless onslaught and ethnic cleansing in Gaza. Led by Nyali MP Mohamed Ali, the protestors urged for an immediate ceasefire, emphasizing the urgent need to address the dire situation.

In a passionate address to the media, MP Mohamed Ali articulated the gravity of the crisis, stating, "Together with my fellow Kenyan brothers and sisters we are demonstrating against the ongoing Israel's horrendous massacre and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Gaza. We call on our government and every government in the world with any ounce of respect towards human rights and International Law to call for an immediate ceasefire. Gaza is at the moment cut off from food, electricity, water, and fuel. The whole world has witnessed the unquestionable war crimes Israel has committed in the last 15 days."

The protestors, raising their voices in unison, sought to highlight the desperate plight of the Palestinian people, besieged by a humanitarian crisis that has left them deprived of basic necessities and subjected to indiscriminate violence. With images and reports of the catastrophic situation in Gaza permeating global consciousness, the demonstrators passionately called upon governments worldwide to take a stand for human rights and uphold international law in the pursuit of an immediate and lasting ceasefire.

As the echoes of their collective plea reverberated through the streets of Mombasa, the unwavering spirit of solidarity stood as a testament to the unyielding commitment of the global community to stand in support of justice, peace, and the fundamental rights of all people, irrespective of their nationality or creed.

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