
Raila says ODM Party remains united, no leadership vacuum

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Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has no leadership vacuum and it remains intact, party leader Raila Odinga has said.

The ODM leader spoke on Thursday in Wajir town while responding to party succession battles during the party membership recruitment drive in the county.

Raila stated that his quest for African Union (AU) leadership would not cause any crisis within the party, and urged other ODM leaders to unite amid leadership battles.

"Addis Ababa is just here, I can have breakfast in Addis Ababa, lunch in Wajir and dinner in Nairobi, I am fully present to steer the party leadership. The ODM party should remain united," Raila said.

His response came after Deputy party leader and former Mombasa Governor Hassan Ali Joho hinted at his presidential bid for 2024.

Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi also called upon the two deputy party leaders Wycliffe Oparanya and Hassan Ali Joho not to engage in succession battles that will result in crisis within the ODM party.

Raila reaffirmed that the party remains intact and he will be always available to provide advice to the two deputy party leaders where necessary.

The former prime minister rewarded Wajir North party representatives with a gold medal and Sh50,000 for registering the highest number of ODM members.

Party representatives from Wajir South were awarded a silver medal and Sh30,000 while those from Wajir West got a bronze medal and Sh20,000.

Raila called for the construction of mega dams in Wajir to harvest rainwater and mitigate livestock farmers against drought.

He also urged the government to connect Wajir town to the national grid to end the persistent electricity crisis.

He further called for the need to turn the Wajir International Airport managed by the military into a civilian airport.

"The military officers should be removed here and the airport be left for civilians who can travel across the world," he said.

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