
Man, 24, stabbed to death in Eastleigh by boda boda rider over Sh50 fare

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Despite receiving medical attention at Abyan Hospital, Hassan's condition worsened, necessitating his transfer to Care Hospital in California where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

A sombre mood has engulfed Juja B Estate in Eastleigh following the tragic death of Hassan Muhumed Abdi, 24, who lost his life after an altercation with a bodaboda rider over a Sh50 payment.

The incident, which occurred around midnight, has left the community in shock and mourning.

The altercation erupted when Hassan and the bodaboda rider disagreed on the fare, with Hassan proposing Sh100 while the rider insisted on a Sh150 payment.

The disagreement eventually led to Hassan being fatally stabbed in the confrontation.

In an attempt to intervene, Hassan's companion, Ilyaas Muhidiin, also confronted the rider but was also stabbed and suffered severe injuries to his chest and mouth in the process.

He was then taken to Ladnan Hospital for treatment.

Chaotic altercation

The commotion drew the attention of Juja B Estate residents, sparking a chaotic altercation between the community members and other bodaboda riders who came to the

assailant's defence.

Hassan Muhumed Abdi, 24, was buried at the Lang'ata cemetery on March 8, 2024. (Photo: Amin Abdullahi)

Police from the Pangani swiftly intervened to restore order, though not before Hassan's life had been tragically cut short.

Despite immediate medical attention and transportation to Abyan Hospital, Hassan's condition worsened, necessitating his transfer to Care Hospital in California where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

His body was taken to the Abubakar Mosque morgue and was buried later on Saturday at the Lang'ata cemetery.

A police report obtained by The Eastleigh Voice shed more light on the incident, confirming the arrest of one suspect and detailing the altercation between the bodaboda rider and Juja B residents.

The report describes Abdi's injuries as a deep stab wound on the right-hand side of the neck.

"Hassan Muhumed Abdi a Somali male adult aged 24 years sustained a deep stab wound on the right-hand side of the neck and was rushed to Abyan hospital and later referred

to Care hospital where he was announced dead on arrival," read part of the police report.

Hassan, before his untimely demise, was working with a top female Somali content creator.

The Directorate of Criminal Investigations from Starehe has taken charge of the investigation into the incident.

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